Beauty Love - Chapter 14 - One Decision For Lives
Rating K :
Genre : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning : Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ---- tissueeee
Lads : Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky
Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St.
Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they
were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel
having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother.
Would they have that too ?
Chapter 14
One Decision for Lives
Kian was still in Adeline’s bed which it could become his bed.
He still didn’t believe what had he decide, but it did, and he had to live with
it. And now he was waiting for the official. Kain still didn’t believe it.
It wasn’t long, when finally Lord McFadden came with Father
Simon, Sir Byron and Sir Paul.
Lord McFadden took a place right beside the bed, facing Kian
with a warm smile. He was holding a paper on his hand.
He took a sigh, “Kian, my son, with this paper, you had
officially adopted, you had been part of this family, A McFadden, but before
that, I just one to ask you once more time, and I hope this is your last
decision and we would respected.”
Kian felt the nervous.
“Son, do you really
take this adoption, and being Adeline for Milady? Because if your still not
sure and couldn’t do it, it’s alright, you can say it we could cancel it. We
wouldn’t mad, and we will appreciate your decision.”
Kian was numb, he couldn’t answer this question, but yes, it
wanted to do this… for milady.
He looked to his Father nervously and received the comfort eyes,
for saying ‘alright you can say it
anything you decide.’
Slowly he turned to Lord McFadden, and nodded slightly.
All of them sighed in relieved, but still Lord McFadden couldn’t
take it just like that.
“Kian, I know you are
a smart boy, you can decide anything you think of. You know when you officially
take this adoption; you will turn to be Adeline in everything, even we promise
you will still be Kian inside. And you do this for Milady and for this family. So I had to ask you once again because we
wouldn’t imprison you on Adeline.”
Kian absorbed the words, yes he knew that. Even they didn’t want
to imprison him, but still he would be imprisoning, he didn’t know if he could
to let it off again. But yes, he could do that, and at this moment, there’s no
doubt at all about it.
Slowly Kian nodded, “Yes, Sir, I’ll take it, I can do it,” with
that little eyes straight to Lord’s eyes, and Lord’s could take it.
He sighed in relieved and
glad. He pulled Kian to his arms and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you very much,
son, thank you. And welcome to this family, you had officially a McFadden.” He
kissed the boy for the love and the relieveness.
“Thank you.”
“So if you want to,
you may call me father, and milady with mother, we are your parents now, and
Byron, he’s your big brother.”
“Father… mother…?” he
still strange with the words.
Lord McFadden nodded,
“Yes, father and mother, and Byron is your big brother.”
Kian had to smile, couldn’t believe. He had them all now,
father, mother, and brother, like he always dreamt.
“But how I become
Miss Adeline as I never been a girl?” he suddenly remember his as Adeline. Both
Father Simon and Lord McFadden smiled. This boy was so incredibly smart for his
“No, son, you don’t need
worry about that. You will have a governess who will teach you everything how
to become a little lady. And, you will get everything what Adeline got, the
manner and the education.”
Kian bit his lips. His life was really gonna changed now.
Kian nodded slightly.
“Don’t worry, son,
you’ll be alright here, we’ll help through this, and everything is gonna be
fine. We promise,” he gave a warm smile. “You have Shane beside you and maids
who will take you care.”
Kian just nodded with looked to the man he scared of.
With unnoticed, Byron sensed the boy’s fear to his loyal friend,
and had to smile. Yeah, Shane sometimes looked cold, but actually he was so
warm and so friendly lad.
The lad turned his head.
“Come here,” Byron ask
the lad to come out, and meekly the older lad followed behind.
“Shane, I know how
much you love Adeline, and I really appreciate it, but please, give him a
chance, and treat him well, serve him like you serve Adeline,” Byron sounded
like a command.
Shane nodded, “I will do, Sir, have no worry about it, I’ll
serve him like I serve little missy.”
“But he still
uncomforted with you, he looked like scared of you. Just take it easy, Shane,
help him through this; we know it’s not easy for him too… well, for us.”
“Of course, Sir .”
Byron sighed with a smile, “Thank you, Shane.”
Shane just nodded.
Father Simon
was still with Kian, accompanying him for the last time, before he left the boy
for maybe forever. Kian would have a new life with this family. For some reason
he was glad Kian was in a good family. Well, not for rich, but for the
kindness, Kian would be fine with this family, even he knew Kian still not sure
with this.
“But is that alright,
Father, me live as a girl, while I’m not? Wouldn’t it against what bible said?”
Father Simon had to smile, he amazed with the boy.
“Yes, I know, Kian, but
as long as that could help people, and for the goodness, I believe Lord God
wouldn’t mind, and you will always remain who you really are,” he sent a warm
“Don’t worry, son,
you’ll be alright, there’s nothing to worry. You’ll be fine here, having a
family who love you, and I could leave you here in peace.”
Kian bit his lips.
“So you will not
coming to see me again.”
“I will do sometimes
or maybe if you ask me,” he smiled.
“I’m gonna miss you,
father, and I’ll missed Sister Anne.”
“She misses you, too,
“Will I ever see her
again, Sister Anne and Sister Theresa? I even haven’t chance to say goodbye to
“You want them to
“Could they?”
“Yes, of course.”
Kian smiled happily.
The conversation was cut by Lord McFadden coming. His coming
like a sign for Father.
Father Simon had to sigh with a smile,
“Well, alright, I
think it’s time for me to go, son.”
Kian’s face fell in sad. But he knew it would come.
“Don’t worry, Kian,
you’ll be fine here. Just be a good kid, be sweet and nice, okay?”
Kian nodded slowly.
“Promise me, you’ll be
good, and won’t disgrace this family and St. Peter.”
“I promise, Father,”
with nodded slightly.
Father Simon smiled in glad with ruffled Kian’s head for love.
He hugged the boy with full of love. For honest, letting Kian go was the
hardest thing to do. It was not like the other kids. Kian was so different, and
because of that too, his life would be different too, that for sure. Father
Simon crossed the boy and said a deep prayer for the boy.
“Good bye, my child,
God bless you and will protect you in your every step and life.”
“Thank you for
everything, Father.”
Father Simon just nodded. He kissed the boy for the last time.
Kian let Father go with tears, and saw him leaved the chamber
leaving him alone here on his new family. He must ready for the new life he
would have.
I'll Continue Tomorrow !!! hehehehe
Next Chapter 15
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