Thursday, 2 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 44 Mark for Kian

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Chapter 44
Mark for Kian

They hugged each other for a moment. Father Simon watched them with smile. No body thought they will meet again. It’s a fate they could meet again. So this was a fate. He knew the two boys were, they were like a brother. How Mark protected Kian and always be there for him, even he was younger than Kian. It was still bit guilty for separating them, but now they met again. He could only smile glad.

Slowly Mark pulled the hug off and looked to Kian’s face, wiped that tears away.
    “I’m so glad I found you again, Kian,I thought I would never see you again…,”
    “I thought so too. I was so desperate when you leave, Mark…”
    “I know, I’m so sorry. And you are so beautiful, Kian,” admiring that pretty face.
Kian smiled little, “Well, I can’t change this face, Mark. And this face changed my life.”
    “A family adopted you.”
    “Yes… they.... _,” Kian cut that when he realized he couldn’t tell everything to him. He looked to Shane, and Shane gave a warning eyes.
    “Ah…, Mark this Shane, my mate,” he changed the subject with introduced Shane. “Shane this is Mark, my Mark!” he said with happily and proud.
Shane shook the tall lad had, “Pleasure to meet you, Sir, finally we meet,” Shane gave a warm smile.
Mark a bit surprised, “You knew me?”
    “Of course, Sir, Kian told me everything about you.”
Mark looked to Kian with surprised, and Kian had to admit, “Desperate, Mark, and he helped me trough the day. Help me passing the day without you.”
Mark’s face fell again in guilty. “I’m sorry.”
    “But I survive!” he exclaimed with wide smile. “Thanks to Shane!”
Mark just smiled. “And you look great! How’s your lung?”
    “I’m cured, Mark. Thanks to my foster father, he’s a doctor, and he cured me.”
    “Yes, I heard that. That’s why I feel glad for you and can leave you in peace, you have the right family.”
    “But, yes, they still got me sometimes, but I’m stronger now, Mark,” he sighed happily.
Mark smiled relieved, “Yes, I can see that, Kian. You look so healthy and fresh!”
    “Again, thanks to Shane. He helped me in everything, always be there for me, like you did!”
Shane just nodded in polite, while Mark smiled in a bit jealous. Kian had Shane lad now, replacing him.
Father Simon sighed with smiled relieve, “I think I can leave you two now, lads, beacuse I have children waiting for me. Mark be good with Kian.”
    “Yes, Father, thank you very much.”
With that Father Simon left the music room, leaved the three lads behind.
Mark sighed with smiled and turned back to Kian, he still couldn’t believe he would meet Kian again. Something missing was fill again, back to it place.
     “I came back, Kian, I came back the next year after, like I promised you...,”
Kian bit his lips. His face fell sad within looking to Shane. “Yes, I know, but you came too late, Mark. A family had me...,” he swallowed hard, remembering the hardest day in his life. “Like you said, do not reject for any loves that come to you before us. And I took it. I accepted that love, Mark, before you came.”
    “Yes, I know. But I believe you have a great family who loves you very much, and give you such a happiness.”
    “Yes, they love me and give me everything I never had, even never to dream about it.
Mark smiled so glad, “Then I could leave you in peace, coz I know you are in the right family.”
Kian smiled bitterly. I have mother and father, and a big brother.”
    “Me too. I have a little brother, Kian, and another will come in a few month.”
Kian looked surprised, “They adopted another child?”
Mark had to laugh, “No, my foster mother have a baby after my adoption, but didn’t change their love for me.”
Kian smiled in glad. “Bless you, Mark. And I found my biological mother, Mark,” with grinned face, even he caught the fell eyes from Shane and he ignored it.
Mark wided his eys with full surprise, “You have!? How?”
    “It’s very long story, Mark, but I found her and I live with her now.”
    “You do? But what about your foster’s parents?”
    “I still live with them, so I have two homes and two families,” Kian smiled in happiness.
Mark smiled as happy as Kian, “God really bless you, Kian.”
    “Yeah,” Kian smiled wide. “So what do you do, Mark, and why you came back?” Kian changed the subject.
    “Just on right occasion, Kian.I came with my friend, I accompanied him actually. And I’m still a peasant boy on the field with his father, with teaching a choir on church every Sunday.”
Kian let out a little laugh, so beautiful, “Good for you, Mark, I know you are the best singer I ever heard!”
    “You too, Kian, I never thought I would see you sitting on the piano, played such a beautiful music there.”
Kian smiled with proud, “Thanks to my brother, he taught me how to play it, and Shane! He can sing well too, like you! Right Shane?”
Shane turned red. He looked his watched to passed the compliment.
     “Well, Sir, it is time, we need to go.”
Kian’s face fell, “Oh, Shane, should I?”
     “Yes, Sir....”
Kian pouted his lips. “Sorry, Mark, I have to go, another job to do,” he smiled. “When I can see you again, Mark, you will spend time here, right?”
     “Yeah, guess, so…, I have found you now, don’t want to leave early…,” Mark smiled cheekily.
Kian sighed in glad. “Hey, why don’t you come to see my performance?” before Mark gave the replays.
     “You do a performance?” with the surprised face.
     “Yes, at Charlie’s every 4 pm,” couldn’t help his proud face.
     “Alright, give me the address and I’ll be there.”
     “You do?”
     “Oh, great! Can’t wait to meet you again.”
Mark smiled, and hugged Kian so tight. “Glad to see you again, Ki..., I really miss you.”
     “I miss you too, Mark, so be there tommorow at 4 pm.”
     “I will.”
     “Thank you...,”
Mark just nodded, and with that he watched them leave from St. Peter. He could only smiled in gladness. He found Kian again, and he wouldn’t never let him go again. He wouldn’t make another mistake. 


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