Monday, 9 July 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 20 - Fulfill the Promises

Rating K +
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ---- tissueeee
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 


Chapter 20
Fulfill the Promises 

            Mark was full of love, and he felt like having everything. He always wished he could share it with Kian. And he would. He had promised he would come back for Kian, and had asked his parents to adopt him too. And they granted it! Even they are now expecting a child; they believed raising three children wouldn’t be that hard, as they had expecting a child for ten years! Three children would more than great! They would adopt Kian as well if Kian hadn’t taken by anyone. And Mark couldn’t wait for this. They would sail to England for Kian!
He couldn’t wait this day come as he finally landed back to England with his beloved parents. Kian and him would meet again, they would together again, never be apart again. Mark really couldn’t wait for the day. But Marie Feehily worried about the enthusiasm. Anything could happen.
    “I know how you are exciting for this, love, but don’t too much high expectation. We don’t know were Kian still there or not. He probably had taken to his new family, having a family,” Marie Feehily warned carefully his boy.
Mark’s face fell. Yes, he knew that. 
    “Yes, mother. I would be happy and grateful if he had found a nice family,” he sent a bitter smile. He would prefer, Kian hadn’t, so he could take Kian with him and live together as family, like they both always dreamt of. Mark sighed with full hopes.
Kian sighed with emptiness. Since he wondered would Mark come back for him, Kian couldn’t live in peace. He couldn’t get Mark out off his head. But he couldn’t tell Mrs. Watson, or even Byron. Only Shane who was knew. They didn’t know about Mark, and they didn’t have to know about him. Mark was his deepest secret, only Shane who was he let knows.
It was a great day when his routinities off. His daily lesson with Miss. Watson and his piano with Byron as Bryon went with his father for something.  But made him loneliness as no body home. His mother was resting all the time, and he shouldn’t distract her. He was kind a bit bored, didn’t know to do.
    “Why don’t you two go shopping, find a new dress for Missy,” Emma offered with gently smile.
    “Shopping!?” Kian suddenly got exciting. Kind a bit weird, Kian loved shopping now, even he knew he would find a nice dress and gown, not a chemise or even pants.
    “You fancy to shopping?” asked Shane with a smile.
    “Yeah!!” he exclaimed exciting.
Shane and Emma had to laugh with the boy. They loved when his missy full of energy.
    “Well, alright, we go shopping now!”  Shane still couldn’t stop his smile.
            Just in a few minutes, they had bumped into the best clothes store in town, and Kian soon drowned into choosing the dress he fancied. Somehow he learned about the best dress he could buy and wear. He learnt from Adeline’s old dresses, and of course Miss. Watson advised. Usually, Miss. Watson would accompany him for looking nice dress, but now, he could do it by himself with Shane guard.
            Within two hours, Kian had chosen a couple new dresses, a new hat, and a new coat. He loved them, and couldn’t wait for wear it. But when he was trying his one new dress, his eyes bumped to two little beggar on outside the store. Kian’s heart thudded. They were so dirty, and beg for some pennies. They wouldn’t be more than 9 years old. He felt pity for those little kids.  And he suddenly remembered to all the boys on St. Peter. Maybe they much better than two this lad, but they all need help too.
    “Yes, Miss?”
    “Can I buy some clothes for St. Peter’s boys?”
Shane silent, but then had to smile in proud, “Of course, Miss.”
    “Father wouldn’t angry, would he?”
    “No, of course not, Miss.”
Kian smiled and moved to the boy’s clothes. He packed his own new dresses. He smiled happily. The boys must be happy for the new clothes. Kian couldn’t wait their happily smile.
            Mark sighed with a smile. He couldn’t believe he would come back here, to where he was born and grew up. St. Peters, the best place for the orphan boys, where they had the love from the sisters and hopes for the new family they always dreamt of.  Just like Mark. But now he had family and happy with them. And he came back here for Kian.
Mark gave a look to his parents for making sure before he passed the gate, and they just nodded with a smile.
Mark took a deep breath as Mr. Feehily knocked the door for Mark, and waited with impatient. In a minute he would meet Kian again. He would meet him again!
And the door opened by a sister with shock but then smiled.
    “Mark!” she smiled joyful.
Mark smiled happily. “Sister Ann.”
She hugged him tightly. “So great to see you again, son.”
Mark just smile. Sister Anne turned to his parents.
    “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Feehily, pleasure to meet you again,” she greeted them pleasantly. “What a surprise! Please come in,” they lead them inside.  “Sister Theresa! Look whose coming!?” she yelled happily.
Mark couldn’t hold his nervous as he came inside to the main hall. It had one year since he left the place. His mother took her hands gently like she knew his nervous.
Mark scanned the hall. Nothing changed, still Kiane. And he tried to look upstairs to find any boys. But no one there. Where’s everybody?    
    “Where’s everybody?” asked Mark as they lead to the office.
Sister Anne sighed in a smile, “Father Simon took them to the valley. You remember the valley, right?”
Mark had to smile with nod. Of course he remember it, it was the place Father Simon always took the boys for some recreation. It was fun, and cheap.
    “Mark!” a loud exclaimed came from behind. It’s Sister Theresa!
    “Sister,” and he got a big hug and kiss from her.
Mark almost couldn’t breath with the hug. And he had toke a deep breath when she finally released him, and turned to his parents.
    “Mr. and Mrs. Feehily, it’s great to meet you again.”
    “It’s great to coming back here, again,” Mrs. Feehily answered.
Sister Theresa smiled and sighed in happiness turned to Mark.
    “Look at you, Mark, you are getting taller and bigger now, and you look so gorgeous. How you are doing, son? Hope you didn’t naughty with them and being a nice boy for your parents, have you?”
    “Of course not, sister, he such a great boy. We even love him very much, and we are glad having him, he completed us.”
Mark blushed with his father said, and Sister Theresa and Sister Anne smiled gladly.
    “And it seemed you are waiting a baby brother here,” as Sister Theresa looked to Mrs. Feehily grown belly.
Mrs. Feehily had to smile happily, “Yes, Mark is gonna have a baby brother, but it wouldn’t change our feeling for him. We love him very much. Mark is still our first son.”
Again both Sisters smiled with glad, felt the blessed for the boy, having a loving family.
    “It’s so great to have you here again, Mark, lads must be thrilled for your coming, they all missed you,” Sister Anne said. “But don’t worry, they will home soon, and you could meet them. You are not hurry, right?” the question was for Marks’ parents.
    “No, of course not, we really came for coming here, and let Mark took his time,” Mr. Feehily answered.
Sister Anne smiled relieved.
    “Sister, can I meet Kian?” as he believed Kian, wouldn’t come to the valley. Father Simon never allowed him to go out far.
That question shocked Sister Anne. And Mark could answer it.
Mark’s face fell sad, “Sister, does he still mad of me for leaving him?”
    “No, love, he no longer mad at you.”
    “So he forgives me…?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “So he would meet me?” with a full hope smile. “I had promised him to come back in one year, so he could coming with me and be my brother.”
That surprised Sister Theresa. She turned to his parents.
    “You are attending to adopt him?”
    “Yes!” with a big smile.
    “But forgive me, you will have a new coming member,” Sister Theresa tried to understand.
    “Yes, and Kian would complete us more.”
Sister Theresa looked to Mark, who still in hopefully smile.
    “Mark, do you come for Kian?”
    “Yes, sister, and I had promised him. We promised to stick together, Sister, and when I leaved, I have to come back for him. We would never be apart again.”
Sister Theresa had to sigh. And Sister Anne went sad.  “Oh, boy.”
Mark could read it, but he had to ask it.
    “Sister, is Kian still here…?” Mark asked nervously.
And both sisters looked each other with a sad face.
Suddenly Mark feared something bad happened to Kian. He knew Kian’s lung, and it had been his responsibility of taking care of him. And now he was not around him, so who would take care of him? If anything bad happened to Kian, he was the one to be blame. He leaved Kian.
    “Sister, please tell me Kian is alright, he’s not...he’s not…”
Sister Anne right away knew the point.
    “No, he is alright! Kian is alright, Mark, you have not to worry about him. He’s fine.”
Mark had to sigh so relieved. So Kian was still alive. But that made him pale again. Another possibility was … He looked to those sisters, even he could read it.
    “Mark… he has adopted,” Sister Anne told him carefully. “A loving family had taking him to be their son.”
But still sucked Mark’s breathe, and somehow he didn’t want to face it.
He suddenly ran up to their old room.
Sister Anne ran to catch him.
And Mark paled to find Kian’s old bed had changed. The bed t just right beside his old bed. This wasn’t Kian’s bed. And a name written on the drawer, ‘Josh’. This wasn’t belong to Kian again, it Josh’s. The new boy had taken Kian’s bed. Kian had really leaving. Mark felt glimpse, he really lose Kian. But he tried to stay strong. He knew this could be happened, and he should happy. He finally adopted. Tears slowly drop on his cheek.
    “A really good family wanted him as their family, Mark,” a gently voice came with tapped his shoulder. Mark right away wept his tears.
    “Who are they, Sister, are they a loving family? Would be he happy with them? Will they love him very much?”
    “Yes, Mark. We can make sure, he is in good family, a loving family, and will happy with them. They love him very much.”
    “Do they know about Kian’s lung? Kian needs a lot of care, his medications.”
    “Yes, they know, love. To make you feel better, Kian’s new father is a doctor, so he will took care Kian a lot and even could heal him,” Sister Anne told him with a smile.
Mark surprised to hear it, but he smile in gladness. Kian would be alright.
    “He’s in a right family, Mark. You no need to worry about him. We promise you, right, to give the best family for him. And he got it, like you do. Kian is happy now, Mark, you don’t have to worry.”
    “Yes, sister, I know.” Tears come again slowly.
    “I know, you’ve been hoping to get back together with him, but Lord Heaven knows what the best for you two. Having your own family and that is alright, son. He was loved now.”
Mark nodded, “Yes, Sister. I’m glad he took that love, he should have a great family, and he got it. I’m happy now.” He wept his tears.
Sister Anne sighed in relievness with the boy.
    “You are a loving kid, Mark, no wonder Kian loves you so much.”
Mark could only smile with heart breaking. He really loosed Kian now, and would never meet him again. But at least Kian’s alright now and happy with his new family, that was the only matter for Mark.
Suddenly a loud crowed heard from downstairs.
    “There they are, they are home!” Sister Anne exclaimed happily. “Why don’t you meet your old friend?”
Mark nodded with a smile. He rose up and took a last sight to his old bed and Kian’s bed. It would be his best bed with their memory with Kian. ‘Good bye, Kian, May Lord always protect you’


Next Chapter 21

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