Saturday, 27 October 2012

Rose Trilogy

Hai, hai, pernah denger novel Fanfiction Westlife Rose Trilogy yang menceritakan Kian Egan dan sahabat kecilnya Keavy Collins (fiksi/rekaan) , kabar Gembira, untuk yang ingin memilikinya , sudah turun harga dari harga sebelumnya :

1. Lovely Rose 1st Rose Trilogy - 424 halaman, Rp. 65,000 (soft cover) , Rp. 70,000 (hard cover)

2. Trully Rose 2nd Rose Trilogy - 555 halaman , Rp. 80,000 (soft cover), Rp. 85,000 (hard cover)

3. Perfect Rose 3rd Rose Trilogy - 341 halaman, Rp. 60,000 (soft cover) , Rp 65,000 (hard cover) 

Satu Paket Trilogy Rose (3 Buku ) - Soft Cover = Rp. 185,000

Satu Paket Trilogy Rose (3 Buku ) - Hard Cover = Rp. 205,000 

Harga di atas belum termasuk ongkir ke alamat kota masing-masing .

Pengen tahun kelanjutan cerita Keavy dan Kee-an kaaaan.... ? hehehehee - miliki koleksinya * -_- mirip iklan di tipi .....

Jangan takut, tidak akan kehabisan .... :)

Yang berminat bisa dm ke aku, karena hanya beli langsung di aku, harganya bisa segitu ....hhehehehehe

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Friendship and Alliance - Part 6

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'
Rate : K+

Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 

Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :)

Previous Part :  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5

Friendship and Alliance - Part 6  
by Maya Theresia

Friendship and Alliance - Part 5

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'

Rate : K+
Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 

Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :)

Previous Part :  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Friendship and Alliance - Part 5

by Shinta WedaRise Hirawling

Friendship and Alliance- Part 4

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'

Rate : K+

Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 

Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :)

Previous Part : 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Friendship and Alliance - Part 4
by Malika Tazkia Byrne

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Friendship and Alliance - Part 3

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'

Rate : K+

Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 
Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :) 

Previous Part : Part 1, Part 2

Friendship and Alliance - Part 3

by Arum Ningdyah

Friendship and Alliance - Part 2

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'

Rate : K+

Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 
Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :) 

Previous Part :
Part 1

Friendship and Alliance - Part 2
by Chintya Tjoa 

Friendship and Alliance - Part 1

Sebuah proyek bersama, para author dari Grup Facebook  'The Westlife Author'

Rate : K+

Genre : Fantasy, Adventure, Medieval 
Summary : Di sebuah Kerajaan Eoghan , dimana Pangeran Kianleaghly bersama sepupunya Pangeran Marcusley dan sahabat mereka Bryan, menerima sosok asing berambut dan bermata hijau di dalam istana mereka.

Wish us luck , and ENJOY!!!!

Hope you all like it :) 

Friendship and Alliance - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 

by Maria 'Adeline' Triwiyani

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Baiklah - kupersembahkan Jengkol 5 ---- sebelumnya mohon maaf kalau tidak begitu lucu, karena ternyata membuat cerita lucu itu sangat sulit dan haruslah spontanitas, sangat sangat spontanitas ...., hehheehheh - tapi mudah-mudahan masih dinikmati.

ENJOY!!!! and Hope you like it !!!!


Special episode for Rossie aka Nita Feehily

Rating : K+
Genre  : Drama, Family, Friendship.
Pairing : The Feehily, The Egan’s, and The McCullen’s
Kids : Finnian Egan 5 tahun, Ciaran Egan 10 tahun
Summary : It’s Time For A Wedding  (from one of Supernatural episode’s name)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Me and My Rose Trilogy With NULIS BUKU

Hai, aku Maria U.T , mungkin di dunia Westlifer Indonesia  aku sudah dikenal sebagai penulis novel Rose Trilogy  A Westlife Fanfiction, novel fanfiksi Westlife. Naskah yang sudah kubuat di tahun 2001-2004, dan itu adalah berkat bantuan yang mewujudkan cita-cita-ku untuk menerbit naskah novel Westlife yang sudah terpendam selama 8 tahun di computerku dan berjamur tak bermanfaat. Oke, mari kita kesampingkan boleh tidak-nya sebuah naskah fanfiksi itu diterbitkan atau tidak, dan izinkan saya bercerita bagaimana pertemuan saya dengan my situs ‘saviour’, pewujud impian hidupku, dan telah membantuku menerbit empat novel saya dalam kurun 11 bulan.

 My Rose Trilogy Novel

Friday, 24 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 49 “I’m Sorry for Loving Him…”

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Ciaran Kevin Phillipe Francis Egan

My  White Prince - My Babbyyyy !!!

Ciaran Kevin Phillip Francis Egan

Born at Sligo General Hospital - February  25th 2006

Baby Born Ciaran

2 months old Ciaran

 One yeard old Ci ....

Five years old Ci

10 years old Ciaran !!!! my prince baby ...

Friday, 10 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 48 - Everything Seemed Not Real

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Beauty Love - Chapter 47 - “Why You Should Know Each Other?”

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Beauty Love - Chapter 46 A Role to Make

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Finnian John Samuel Francis Egan

The Picture of My baby Finnian

Born at  Sligo General Hospital  April 15th  2011

Grew as a cute Little Boy

 and as gorgeous as his father 


Sunday, 5 August 2012

My Egan's Family

Okeh, maafkan kalau baru posting beginian baru sekarang setelah serial jengkol sudah mencapai 4 episode . Mungkin banyak baru mengenal siapa Keavy Egan, Ciaran Egan dan Finnian Egan, baiklah mari kuperkenalkan :

Nama : Kian John Francis Egan
Tgl Lahir : 29 April 1980 
Pekerjaan : Ngamen bersama Westlife 
Istri  :  Keavy Collins
Tanggal menikah : 2 April 2005
Anak : Ciaran Egan (2006)  dan  Finnian Egan (2010)

Nama : Caroline Keavy Jossephine Collins
Tanggal lahir : 2 April 1982
Pekerjaan :  Mantan penari, dan sekarang menjadi Full Ibu Rumah tangga, dan mengelola Toko Buku 'Keavy's Corner'
Suami  :  Kian Egan
Tanggal menikah : 2 April 2005
Anak : Ciaran Egan (2006)  dan  Finnian Egan (2010)

(maaf, tante Wynona Rider, kupinjam fotomu)

Nama : Ciaran Kevin Phillipe Francis Egan
Tanggal lahir : 25 February 2006
Pekerjaan :  Kelas 4 SD
Ayah  :  Kian Egan
Ibu  :  Keavy Egan
Adik  : Finnian Egan 

Nama : Finnian John Samuel Francis Egan
Tanggal lahir : 15 April 2011
Pekerjaan :  TK
Ayah  :  Kian Egan
Ibu  :  Keavy Egan
Kakak  : Ciaran Egan 

Friday, 3 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 45 The McGregor

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 44 Mark for Kian

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Beauty Love - Chapter 43 “I Made My Words”

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 42 Back Home

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Naskah asli Lovely Rose 1st Rose Trilogy - hal. 156 - 187

Naskah asli Lovely Rose 1st Rose Trilogy - hal. 156 - 187

Copas Lovely Rose 1 st Rose Trilogy halaman 156 - 187

Bagi yang sudah membaca Lovely Rose 1 st Rose Trilogy , silahkan dicek halaman 156 - 187  - dengan plot di bawah ini..., berapa persen kesamaannya ? - kutemukan di salah satu Note FB Westlifer  :) 

Friday, 20 July 2012

Beauty Love - Chapter 41 - Confront

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ? 

Beauty Love - Chapter 40 - A Mother for Kian

Rating : K+
Genre    : Friendship, Family Drama
Warning :  Orphan, Emotionaly wrecked ----
Lads      :  Kian, Mark, Shane, Bryan, Nicky 

Summary : Both Kian and Mark , 11 yrs old, are an orphan at St. Peter Orphan House for Boys. They grew up together and happily, they were loved by all sisters and father, but they are still want to feel having a real family which mean having mother, father, and brother. Would they have that too ?